【聊了什么The What】
Poor Things is a juicy, chewy, twisted coming-of-age fable about exploitation and womanhood. The two hours we spent following the curious, bold protagonist Balla Baxter provided a helpful chaos for us to metabolize an array of complex problems: the pursuit of female autonomy in a world seeking to define and confine it, the nature of sex work as gritty, exploitative labor, and, at some point, the ethics of biohacking and CRISPR.
【时间轴 The When】
00:00 今年颁奖季的宠儿Poor Things以及为什么我们要重新录制这集播客
04:04 我们对于这个电影的第一感受
10:10 “成熟女人的身体与婴儿的心智“——为什么我们对于Bella的担心程度随着她的旅程展开而忽上忽下?
13:45 Poor Things是一部彻底翻转过来的《洛丽塔》?
23:40 (假装我们在聊这部电影)电影的设定导致我们去思考了文本中复杂的性同意
35:47 Poor Things的科幻设定——人类为何恐惧技术?Bella是一个关于AI的角色(???),科学设定和伦理困境
45:30 我们对于现有科技以及特权人群改造人体的探讨
51:12 从事性工作的Bella和她的劳工意识觉醒
01:06:55 Bella弑父,和父亲和解,最后“变成父亲”的旅程
00:00 Poor Things - This awards season's darling - and why we're re-recording this podcast
04:04 Our first impressions of the film
10:10 "A mature woman's body with an infant's mind" - Why do our concerns over Bella fluctuate throughout her journey?
13:45 Is Poor Things a thoroughly inverted Lolita?
23:40 (Pretending we're discussing the film) - How the storyline prompts pondering complex consent ethics within the text
35:47 Poor Things' sci-fi premise - Why does technology unnerve humanity? Is Bella an allegory for AI (?) - scientific concepts and ethical dilemmas
45:30 Our exploration of current technologies and how privileged groups alter human bodies
51:12 Bella's awakened labor consciousness after entering sex work
01:06:55 Bella's patricide, reconciliation with her father, and eventual symbolic rebirth as her father
【拓展链接 The Links】
【疲惫红书 CyberRed】
Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content such as “CyberPink Reading,” “CyberPink Watching,” “CyberPink Traveling,” “CyberPink Vlog,” and more. Those are lighter, more fun and more experimental stuff about our lives. Leave us some comments on Xiaohongshu!
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